Thursday 1 July 2010

Canada Day

The British North American Act, enacted March 29, 1867 by the British Parliament, provided for Confederation of the three British North American colonies, Canada (Upper and Lower), Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Now much amended as the Constitution Act, 1867, it was proclaimed into law on July 1, 1867 and Canada was born. The first official birthday celebration was in 1868, July 1 being named Dominion Day in 1879 and Canada Day in 1982.

The mid-century Canada that readers of the early Harlequin Books knew is much different from the 2010 Canada but not unrecognizable. Two institutions that all Canadians in 1950 would have recognized have been in the news recently - the Monarchy and the RCMP.

One amazing connection with mid-century Canada is Queen Elizabeth. Visiting Canada this week she is also on the covers of an early Harlequin. The Royal Story by Richard J. Doyle (1923 - 2003) was first published by McGraw-Hill (Toronto: 1952) with the Harlequin edition following in January 1953.  

Harlequin 213

Harlequin 213 back

The RCMP was featured in eight Harlequin fiction titles and one non-fiction. Here are a couple. Royce of the Royal Mounted by Amos Moore (1884 - 1958) was first published by The Macaulay Company (New York: 1932). The first edition of James Oliver Curwood's (1878 - 1927) The River's End was published in 1919 by The Cosmopolitan Book Company of New York.

Harlequin 66 - August 1950

Harlequin 66 back

Harlequin 162 - April 1952

Harlequin 162 back

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