Wednesday 1 July 2015

Harlequin Artists Part XXXIV - ATR (1)

The first 500 books published by Canadian Harlequin Books from mid 1949 to early 1960 had 489 different covers. Of these eight were either all type or photographs leaving 481 illustrated covers with 294 having identifiable signatures. Another 18 have initials that are not associated with known artists or illegible signatures. I think I have a good guess for three of those books.

Three books in 1953 were signed by "ATR". A likely candidate is Aileen Tyrrell Richardson (1916-2005). She was a graduate of the Ontario College of Art, lived in Toronto and was an active mid-century illustrator for Canadian magazines, including Chatelaine, and books.
Signature - Harlequin 216

Harlequin 216 - February 1953

Harlequin 230 - May 1953

Harlequin 234 - June 1953

148 and Counting

The British North American Act, enacted March 29, 1867 by the British Parliament, provided for Confederation of the three British North American colonies, Canada (Upper and Lower), Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Now much amended as the Constitution Act, 1867, it was proclaimed into law on July 1, 1867 and Canada was born. The first official birthday celebration was in 1868, July 1 being named Dominion Day in 1879 and Canada Day in 1982.

I work at an institution that was founded in one of the BNA colonies, Nova Scotia, 78 years before Confederation - the University of King's College. One of our early graduates (1815) was Thomas Chandler Haliburton (1796-1865) whose The Clockmaker was published in 1836 by Joseph Howe later a premier of Nova Scotia. Still in print the latest edition is from Peterborough's Broadview Press. Joining Sam Slick is Canadian author Hugh MacLennan's Barometer Rising which takes place in 1917 Halifax. 
White Circle C.D. 529 - 1952
White Circle C.D. 529 - back