Wednesday 27 June 2018

Two Solitudes Part I

One of the best known Canadian mid-century novels, Hugh MacLennan's Two Solitudes, is now back in print thanks to McGill-Queen's University Press. An aspect I like is the reproduction of the covers of a number of editions, including the first paperback from Wm. Collins & Sons Co. Canada. This edition is discussed in the introduction.

Collins published the hardcover edition in early 1945 but waited seven years to get out the paperback version. This delay would not happen today. With a Chateau Frontenac-like building in the background, both suggest the story takes place in Quebec City, rather than Montreal.

White Circle C.D.540 - 1952

White Circle C.D.540 back

Monday 25 June 2018

A Pocketful of Canada Part I

John Robins (1884-1952), a Canadian academic and author, edited A Pocketful of Canada which came out in three editions in the late 40s and early 50s, all by Wm. Collins Sons & Co. Canada. The cloth covered original in 1946 was followed by two paperbacks, one in 1948 and another in 1952. The 1952 edition is part of the White Circle imprint. The editions kept getting smaller - from 434 to 347 to 316 pages of text. Most of the cuts were in historical and informative sections with the literary sections remaining largely unchanged.

One of the contents is a seven page excerpt from a poem called "Between Two Furious Oceans" by Dick Diespecker (1907-1973) who a few years later was published by Harlequin.
Collins Pocketful - 1948

Collins Pocketful back 

White Circle CD531 - 1952

Harlequin 234 - June 1953

Sunday 17 June 2018

Export Author - Daomi Winston

A recent correspondent (thanks, Ken) has pointed out that a book published by Canadian publisher Export Publishing Enterprises in 1949 is the first from prolific American author Daoma Winston. In Adam's Country is one of 156 New Stand Library titles Export published between mid 1948 and early 1951. In typical Export fashion the author name is wrong. 

Four years later the story, with a revised text, was published by New York's Universal Publishing and Distributing under a new title - The Other Stranger. The cover copy is not correct but Universal may not have known about the obscure Canadian version.

News Stand Library 87 - November, 1949

News Stand Library 87 back

Royal Giant 17 - 1953

Royal Giant 17 back