Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Two Solitudes Part I

One of the best known Canadian mid-century novels, Hugh MacLennan's Two Solitudes, is now back in print thanks to McGill-Queen's University Press. An aspect I like is the reproduction of the covers of a number of editions, including the first paperback from Wm. Collins & Sons Co. Canada. This edition is discussed in the introduction.

Collins published the hardcover edition in early 1945 but waited seven years to get out the paperback version. This delay would not happen today. With a Chateau Frontenac-like building in the background, both suggest the story takes place in Quebec City, rather than Montreal.

White Circle C.D.540 - 1952

White Circle C.D.540 back

1 comment:

  1. "Collins... waited seven years to get out the paperback version. This delay would not happen today."

    That wasn't unusual then. There was often a long delay between hardback and paperback publication. Hardbacks could continue to sell for some time - library copies meant they usually appeared n larger editions anyway - and paperbacks were comparatively a lot cheaper then. Compare the prices of hardbacks and paperbacks over time and h/bs have been steadily getting cheaper and p/bs more expensive.
