Thursday 7 January 2016

Harlequin Authors

There are 259 authors (ignoring pseudonyms) whose books were published by Harlequin from 1949 to early 1960 - the first 500. Over 70% (183) had only one book published. Here is the list.

Not very many known today. Doyle, Maugham, a few more recognized by crime fans and others. One of these is David Goodis who has been honoured with a Library of America edition. You'll note on the cover of that edition the Dell reprint of Dark Passage. This is the only Goodis book published by Harlequin, renamed Convicted.

Adams, F. Cleve
Adkins, Cleo
Allan, Bette
Allan, Tony
Allen, Barbara
Allen, T.D.
Allison, Carlyle
Anderson, Oliver
Andrews, Roy Chapman
Arnold, Elliot
Barnes, Margaret Campbell
Baume, Eric
Beach, Rex
Bellem, Robert Leslie
Billings, Buck
Bogard, Dale
Borodin, George
Brandon, William
Brown, Beth 
Brown, Joy
Bruff, Nancy
Bryant, Arthur Herbert
Bull, Lois
Cameron, Doug
Campbell, Patricia
Cardwell, Ann
Carew, Dan
Cheyney, Peter
Clamp, H. M. E.
Clay, Weston
Coburn, Walt 
Cocking, Ronald
Cole, Jackson
Constantin-Weyer, M.
Cord, Barry
Creasy, John 
De Lange, Anneke
Diespecker, Dick
Dingwell, Joyce
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Doyle, Richard J.
Drake, H.B.
Eaton, Evelyn
Echols, Allan K.
Edgley, Leslie
Elroy, Edwina
Evans, John
Farnes, Eleanor
Fleming, Joan
Fletcher, Verne
Ford, Marcia
Ford, Norrey
Fox, Norman A. 
Friend, Oscar J.
Frisbie, R.D. 
Fuller, Samuel Michael
Garth, Will
George, Peter
Gilmore, Cecile
Goodis, David
Gowland, John Stafford
Graham, Lewis
Gunn, Tom
Hall, Magdalen King
Hall, O. M.
Hamilton, Wade
Handley, Alan
Harrison, Whit
Healy, Eugene
Hecht, Ben
Hecklemann, Charles N.
Henderson, George C.
Hendryx, James B.
Herbert, A.P.
Hirsch, Richard
Hodges, Carl G.
Holt, Tex
Houghton, Elizabeth
Hughes, Dorothy B.
Hunt, Howard
Johnson, Katrina
Jordan, Gale
Joseph, Robert
Kandel, Aben
Kane, Frank
Kenyon, Theda
Kersh, Gerald
Key, Alexander
Lacroix, Rose (translator)
Laurenson, R. M.
Le Butt, Paul 
Lebedeff, Ivan
LeBourdais, D.M.
Leinster, Murray
Leitfred, Robert H.
Liggett, Walter W. 
Lindsay, Norman
Lindsay, Perry
Long, Amelia Reynolds
Long, Manning 
Mace, Merlda
MacMillan, Don
Malina, Fred
Marcus,  A. A.
Martin, Chuck
Mason, A.E.W.
Mason, Van Wyck
Maugham, W. Somerset
McArthur, A. + H. Kingsley Long 
McCary, Reed
McCrea, E.R. + W.J. Young
Mcculley, Johnson
McGrath, Tom
Mcleod, Ken Mcleod
Miller, Bill + Bob Wade
Mitchell, Joseph
Montrose, David
Mooney, Martin
Moore, Amos
Moss, W. Stanley
Nye, Nelson C.
O'Donnell, Bernard
Offord, Lenore Glen
Oppenheim, E. Phillips
Orvis, Kenneth (Kenneth LeMieux)
Osler, E.B.
Peacock, Max
Percival, Lloyd 
Petersen, Herman
Philips, Bluebell S.
Powers, Tom
Rabl, S.S.
Ragsdale, Clyde B.
Randall, Rona
Rasky, Frank
Reed, Blair
Rennie, George Murdock
Rhoades, Knight
Robb, John
Robertson, Dr. Alan Brown + Dr. Elizabeth Chant
Ronns, Edward
Rush, Philip
Russell, Victor
Ryberg, Dr. Percy E.
Sabatini, Rafael
Saber, Robert O.
Seale, Sara
Shannon, Carl
Shott, Abel
Sinclair, Gordon
Smith, Arnold
Smith, Harvey
Stanley, Edward
Stark, Michael
Stegner, Wallace
Stoddard, Charles
Stokes, Manning Lee
Stone, Thomas
Stringer, Arthur
Sturdy, Carl
Symons, Harry
Taylor, Angeline
Terrall, Robert
Thompson, Sydney
Tickell, Jerrard
Tracy, Don
Truesdell, June
Tyre, Robert
Ullman, Albert E. 
Van Vogt, A. E.
Von Stroheim, Eric
Walker, Joan 
Wallace, Clair
Walz, Jay & Audrey
Watson, Ken
Watson, Will
Webster, M. Coates
Weinbaum, Stanley G.
Westcott, Jan
White, William C. 
Worley, Dorothy
Wren, P.C.
Wright, Watkins E.
Dell 221- 1947
Dell 221 back
Harlequin 311 - August 1954
Harlequin 311 back

Collins White Circle Authors Part XIV - Erskine Caldwell

In an earlier post I discussed Erskine Caldwell's three books that the Canadian publisher Wm Collins Sons & Co. Canada published in the 1940s.

Mr Caldwell was a very popular author once upon a time. His Trouble in July, for example, remains in print - at a university press no less. 

Here are four versions in paperback including the Collins's, which was reprinted in 1949, 1951 and 1952.
Penguin 567 - October 1945

Penguin 567 back
Penguin 567 third printing - May 1947
Penguin 567 third printing back
Pan G269 - 1959
Pan G269  back
White Circle 335- 1948
White Circle 335 back