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Surprising or not publishers of early paperbacks often chose the same scene from the book for the cover. Here is one example crossing the "longest undefended border in the world' (is it still?). The Canadian is from Wm. Collins Sons and Co. Canada Ltd and the American from Avon Publishing Co., Ltd.
White Circle 215 - 1945
White Circle 215 back
Avon 165 - 1948
Avon 165 back
I've recently been picking up some of the 1322 books published in the U.S. from September 1943 to June 1947 by Editions for the Armed Services, Inc. A couple of new books, American Pulp by Paula Rabinowitz and Molly Guptill Manning's When Books Went to War have reignited my interest in this fascinating series.
With two exceptions the 99 ASE reprints were given new numbers in the series so there were 1225 titles. Ten of those titles were also published by Harlequin Books, including the very first Harlequin, The Manatee by Nancy Bruff. Many of the ASEs are the first paperback edition, as is the case here.
Harlequin 1 - May 1949
Harlequin 1 back
ASE 1104 - January 1946
ASE 1104 back