I have recently updated and it is now on online at BookScans. Joining it is a recently completed Harlequin Guide which covers the first 500 Harlequins. A new version of the White Circle Guide with much better images will soon be available. Coming in the fall will be a full bibliography of Export Publishing Enterprises.
Below are some of the books seen in the guides.
Harlequin 37 - March 1950
Harlequin 52 - June 1950
Harlequin 80 - September 1950
Harlequin 93 - January 1951
White Circle 208 - 1944
Whit Circle 222 - 1945
White Circle 270 - 1946
White Circle 287 - 1946
Many thanks for doing these guides. They are an invaluable resource for bibliographers.