Tuesday 25 June 2024

Retitled Harlequins Part III

In my last post I listed the 88 books Harlequin published from 1949 to 1959 that were retitled by Harlequin. Here I'll discuss the original publishers of these titles. 

One surprising number for me is the number of publishers - 36. Mills & Boon leads with 17, Phoenix Press seven and Dodge and Mystery House tied with five. There are 21 publishers with only one book. Did Harlequin have to deal with every publisher for permission to change? Were there agents acting for some of the publishers? I would love to find an example of a contract between Harlequin and a publisher. No doubt somewhere buried in an archive one exists.

Here are four from Phoenix Press

Harlequin 142 - November 1951

Harlequin 146 - December 1951

Harlequin 192 - November 1952

Harlequin 236 - July 1953

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