Sunday, 26 February 2012

Are Any of Harlequin Books 31 - 40 Worth Reading?

On this Oscar® day another effort to hand out a Worthy® or two is appropriate. The nominees are:

31 Kenyon, Theda                The Golden Feather
32 Hecht, Ben                      Hollywood Mystery
33 Miller, Helen Topping        Candle In The Morning
34 Rabl, S.S.                        Mobtown Clipper
35 Campbell, Patricia             Lush Valley
36 Malina, Fred                     Murder Over Broadway
37 Frisbie, R.D.                     Amaru
38 Snow, Charles H.               Sheriff Of Yavisa
39 Truesdell, June                 Be Still My Love
40 Reed, Blair                       Pass Key to Murder

Three historical, two romance, one western, three crime and one adventure.

"LUSH VALLEY is the story of an appealing, lovable, and essentially simple woman."

"[In Hollywood Mystery] mystery, violence and murder intermingle with wacky situations, involving the most outrageous characters you ever met."

"Full of adventure and tropic atmosphere [Amaru] has a delightful balance of the romantic and the ridiculous, the real and the remarkable."

Ben Hecht is the only author I recognize outside of the paperback world of the 1940s and 50s. He won two Academy Awards for Original Screenplay, including the first (1927). Hollywood Mystery was first published as I Hate Actors!.

The co-writer of The Front Page is worthy of a read. So Hollywood Mystery earns a Worthy®.

Running total is three Worthies®.

Harlequin 32 - February 1950

Crown - 1944


  1. I think Ben Hecht's Worthy® is as well-earned as his Oscars, he really was a marvellous prose writer.

  2. Thanks for the comment. I'm happy to see that I can sniff out a Worthy®. This will be my next (and second) Harlequin worthy to read.
