Sunday, 19 February 2012

Condition Part II

Collectors typically want the best condition of whatever is being collected. Books in top condition are usually described as fine, then near fine, very good, good and poor.

I have the following categories for my paperback collection: F, NF+, NF, NF-, VG+, VG, VG-, G, POOR. VG- is the lowest collectible grade. I upgrade whenever I have a chance. I keep track by assigning numbers to each book based on condition, then averaging. For example my Harlequin collection today is 567 books, including reprints, variants and a few extra copies. Each book has a condition grade and a number based on the following:

F (3.0)
NF+ (2.8)
NF (2.5)
NF- (2.2)
VG+ (1.8)
VG (1.5)
VG- (1.2)
G (0.5)
POOR (0.2)

The average condition for the collection of 567 books is 1.217, essentially VG-. The median is 1.2. My ambition is a collection of at least 1.8.

Here is one of my fine books and one of my poor books.

Harlequin 353 - February 1956

Harlequin 356 back

Harlequin 81 - October 1950

Harlequin 81 back

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