Saturday, 20 November 2010

Export Canadian Paperback Originals Part IV

Export Publishing Enterprises Ltd published 55 paperback originals in 1949, 1950 and 1951. Taking into account known pseudonyms there are 44 named authors plus two anonymous editors of collections. Only 13 of the 44 have been identified. The remaining 31 authors make their only appearance in an Export book. I can find no other books they wrote or anything about them.

Here are the last three PBOs from the anonymous authors published in January 1951.

News Stand Library 151

News Stand Library 151 back

News Stand Library 152

News Stand Library 152 back

News Stand Library 153

News Stand Library 153 back


  1. Dare I hope that even one of these three very attractive titles was written by a Canadian? I suppose setting might provide a clue. May I ask, do any take place in this great Dominion?

  2. No - all take place in the Republic to the south. I'm going to review all the stories in these PBOs and tally up the settings.

  3. A shame, but I won't rule out the possibility that they were written by Canadians. George Tremblay? That's just about the most Canadian name I've ever heard. (Gordon Tremblay would be better still!)

    Very much looking forward to reading your findings.
