Friday, 8 April 2011

Collins White Circle British Editions Part I

The Scottish-British company Wm. Collins Sons & Co. published their White Circle paperback imprint in half-a-dozen countries. There were approximately 825 White Circles published in Britain from 1936 to 1959 in five fiction series: Crime Club, Wild West Club/Westerns, Romance and Galsworthy, Mystery and Novels. They also published a non-fiction series. Here's a couple of examples of the British White Circles.

The first, The Voice of the Nazi (1940), is a collection of eight essays about Nazi speeches, specifically Hitler's and Goebbels's, originally broadcast on the BBC in 1939 and 1940. This is the type of book never seen in the Canadian WC imprint.

The second is U-Boat in the Hebrides by A. Divine. The unnumbered third printing of the British WC dates from 1942 as does the first of two editions published in Canada.

White Circle B1 - 1942

White Circle 103 - 1943

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